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Why is teeth alignment important for your teeth?As they say health is wealth and maintaining oral health gets easier if you are blessed with straight teeth. Not only properly aligned teeth are easy to maintain but they also render you a beautiful and confident smile.

Wondering what about those who fall short of this facial feature and have misaligned or crooked teeth either by hereditary or by childhood habits like thumb sucking. Well! God is kind, when he misses on something he fixes other things to balance it out. So, he fixed the age old dental procedures and made way for the invention of modern teeth straightening devices, the clear aligners!

Before jumping on to explain what this modern dental procedure is all about, let’s discuss why teeth straightening is important in the first place?

Why is teeth alignment important for your teeth?Many adults have imperfect teeth, and they are okay with it. If you are comfortable and confident with your teeth as of now, it is great news! However, even if you are satisfied with misaligned teeth, dental issues might start to surface over time. Untreated misaligned teeth lead to problems such as cavities, gum diseases, speaking difficulties, chewing problems etc. People who leave their misaligned teeth untreated, have to undergo costly dental procedures like root canals, surgeries and braces treatment later.

Apart from risk of serious dental conditions later in life, maintaining them through daily oral care routine is also difficult. Due to improper teeth placement, toothbrush does not reaches all corners and therefore, food debris are left struck between the teeth or on sides of the teeth. The teeth colour also starts to fade off when they are left uncleansed.

In order to save yourself from any such dental condition it is advised that one should consult the dentist and discuss an effective solution for correcting crooked or misaligned teeth.

Now, let’s talk about what are the ways through which misaligned teeth can be corrected?

The traditional Route:

One can choose the traditional way of fixing the crooked teeth that is through metal braces or ceramic braces. Metal braces have stainless steel wires, brackets and elastic bands that work in cohesion to bring misaligned teeth to proper position. They are the most effective, affordable and time-tested teeth alignment solution till today. The prominent things that makes them a tough option to pick are the metal wires that show up every time a patient smiles or eat. Another problem is that they are rough on gums and sometimes cause cuts and are painful too.

The other traditional option are the ceramic braces. Self ligating ceramic braces come with the advantage of being tooth coloured and therefore less visible but the wire used with ceramic braces is still metal. They are effective but their durability is questioned as they break off easily due to porcelain material they are made of. Another major drawback is that they cause tooth staining.

Cover Up!

If you are not willing to wear braces but still want a flawless smile, than you can go for a cover up tactics through the use of Veneers. Veneers are thin porcelain sheets that cover up the front part of the teeth to make them appear straight and perfectly aligned. This is not a permanent solution as it only covers up a teeth and do not move them for proper alignment. Veneers works best for chipped tooth, teeth gaps, worn out teeth and for irregular teeth shape.

Modern Route

invisible bracesThe latest teeth straightening solution are the clear braces. Modern lifestyle calls out for a quick, hassle-free, painless and an effective treatment and procedures even if they come at a slightly higher cost than the traditional ones.

Invisible braces are custom made to fit the modern lifestyle. The cost of Invisible braces in India is high yet affordable due to easy EMI options offered by various clear aligner companies. Clear aligners or invisible braces are a perfect for treating misaligned teeth as they are invisible, painless, removable and easy to maintain. They are customized according to each patient’s teeth alignment requirements and provide a snap fit for both upper and lower case. Aligner sets have a smooth finish as they are made from high quality medical-grade polymer. This property of clear braces save the patient from any cuts on gums during the treatment.

Moreover, due to the transparent property of clear aligners they do not attract any unwarranted attention at public places. The patient do not have to compromise on self-confidence as they are unnoticeable. One also gets the freedom to enjoy any food item as they can be removed while eating and fix them back when done!

As important it is to have straight teeth equally important is to go for an effective and result oriented teeth straightening treatment like clear aligners. Mild to moderate smile correction or teeth misalignment cases can easily be corrected through Cheapest invisible braces while for more complex cases, traditional metal braces can be adopted.


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