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Smile correction is a process of eliminating the problem of crooked teeth, space between the teeth and poor bite issues through the use of dental devices and procedures that can bring the teeth in proper alignment. A symmetrical arrangement of teeth attributes to a beautiful smile and thereby uplifting the overall appearance of a person. The facial aesthetics are deeply impacted from the misalignment of teeth as jawline, teeth and lips are prominent features of our face. A poor bite issue which makes the teeth either protrude forward or make the chin look extended leads to an imbalanced jaw line whereas the space between the teeth takes away the attention from all other facial features and draws it to the teeth gaps.

Misaligned teeth is a common problem all over the world, so there are effective and time tested ways to correct it. Any case of smile correction is often advised either the traditional metal braces or clear aligners depending on the complexity of the dental condition. Metal braces is the time-tested traditional smile correction treatment whereas the clear aligners are latest teeth straightening devices.

Both work on the same lines of putting pressure and moving the teeth to the desired position but the reasons as to why clear aligners are becoming the most adopted smile correction treatment method are as follows:

  • Invisible Mode On!

As we have discussed above, patients suffering from problems related to their teeth are already conscious of their appearance and metal braces make it worse as they come with metal wires and brackets that show up when a patient smiles or talks. This make the patient suffer from self-consciousness and lower self-esteem for the time they undergo a metal braces treatment whereas in smile correction treatment with clear aligners, a patient’s confidence is intact as they are transparent and hard for anyone to notice. The people will not be able to tell that you are undergoing any sort of treatment until you tell them by yourself.

  • On and off Mode!

Clear aligners come with an “on and off” mode. It would be hard to believe but as clear aligners can be worn or removed when needed, it literally works like an on and off mode! Unlike metal wires which are fixed, clear aligners can easily be removed. As each aligner set is custom designed for every patient, they provide a snap fit and makes wearing or removing them completely hassle-free. The clear aligner kit also come with small tools known as chewie and outie, to make this process effortless. However, one has to wear clear aligners for at least 22 hours a day for perfect teeth straightening results.

  • Food, Drinks and more!

The discreet smile correction treatment brings you the joy of enjoying the food and beverages of your choice without having to worry about food debris getting stuck or the braces material being damaged as clear aligners can be removed while eating. Unlike metal braces which come along with the list of dietary restrictions, clear aligners has none.

  • Panning the pain away

Clear aligner treatment is also the first choice for smile correction process because it is a painless treatment. Metal braces make the patient suffer from cuts and swelling in gums due to the rigidness of the metal wires, moreover, the metal braces treatment is painful in itself but with clear aligner treatment there is no such thing as pain. The clear aligner material is soft on gums and the procedure is software-aided making it painless treatment to adopt for correcting misaligned teeth.

Why do people like 32Watts clear aligners for their smile correction

  • Few Dates with Dentists!

With clear aligners, a patient does not have to reschedule daily routine or work timelines as with clear aligners fewer dentist visits are required as compared to metal braces. Moreover, patients can seek online consultation and video conferencing to clear any queries during the treatment. As the clear aligner treatment is software aided, the dentist as well as the patient can take the help of software analysis as reference point of treatment discussion. Few clear aligner providers in India are also offering ‘doorstep or at-home’ clear aligner services too but a patient needs to be well-aware about the company profile, credibility and certification before opting for such treatment as this is risky preposition to fall for. Direct to home companies try to bypass the doctor involvement thus offering clear aligners at a cheaper price. This price saving may do more harm than good. Without doctor supervision there may be irreparable loss to the teeth and their roots.


All these features of 32Watts clear aligners make them the most popular teeth straightening treatment of today’s time. People look out for the unmatched comfort and quick results this smile correction treatment offers over other treatment options like metal braces, ceramic braces, lingual braces, dental veneers etc. The last thing to remember about clear aligner treatment is that they are expensive and might not work for complex dental conditions. Choose your company responsibly when you want to go for clear aligners.



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