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Clear Aligners

For those looking for a solution to one of the most common dental problems, the under-bite issue; clear aligners are still a new dental technology advancement to adopt readily. People go through a lot of apprehensions when choosing the latest technology over the tested and proven traditional methods like the metal braces. Clear aligners claim themselves to be a modern and discreet smile correction solution of today’s time. However, their results vary from patient to patient making it difficult for everyone to pick them up for correcting misaligned teeth instantly. Here we will discuss the ability of clear aligner to completely correct dental problems like an under-bite.

Clear aligners and dental conditions it can cure

To answer the most asked question ‘can clear aligners fix an under-bite? Let’s give you a quick idea of what clear aligners are and how do they work?

Clear aligners are modern day devices crafted to offer a discreet, painless and comfortable solution to malocclusions or misaligned teeth. The can effectively treat dental problems like over-bite, under-bite, crooked teeth, gaps between the teeth and over-crowding. We call them teeth correcting devices as they are made from precise technology to provide high end customized device to fit the patient’s teeth perfectly. Clear aligners are manufactured from finest quality biocompatible medical grade polymer. They have smooth finish and are nearly invisible making them a perfect match to the modern lifestyle.

When a patient visits a dentist or an orthodontist for clear aligners, the first step he/she has to go through is an 3D intraoral scan. Oral scan is a procedure where a digital impression of the patient’s teeth is taken through 3D scanner. The 3D scan helps the patient as well as the treating doctors to analyze the dental condition of the patient deeply. The oral- scan helps the dentist to formulate a treatment plan. Through this treatment plan the patient can be assured of the expected treatment duration, different stages of the treatment and a visual anticipation of how the teeth will look like on the completion of the treatment. The high end software and devices applied for the smile correction treatment through clear aligners is what makes them deliver accurate results in less time. Through the use of software, the treating doctors can evaluate and customize the treatment procedures at any stage.

Can clear aligners fix an under-bite?

Under bite is a dental condition where the lower jaw is too far stretched that it makes the upper jaw teeth to rest on the lower jaw teeth. When a patient is suffering from under-bite issue, after opening the mouth his lower jaw teeth seems to be protruding forward than the upper jaw teeth. This improper alignment makes the facial structure look aesthetically unpleasing as the chin, jaw line and other facial features look asymmetrical. Apart from aesthetics, untreated under-bite issue leads to further problems such as:

  • Difficulty in chewing food.
  • Wearing of teeth fastens due to under-bite.
  • Brushing and flossing becomes difficult.
  • Speech problems

To avoid such conditions one should get the under-bite fixed timely.

Fixing an under-bite dental condition through clear aligners:

Clear aligners work by shifting the teeth positions to desired position through slow and sustained pressure for particular duration like they do in metal braces. However, the major difference between getting the treatment through clear aligner is that they are invisible, painless, comfortable and do not have any metal or wires that could lead to gum lesions. When a patient wishes to go for clear aligners he can visualize the different treatment stages as well as the end results through the software aided concept of clear aligner treatment. Moreover, treatment through clear aligners does not need frequent doctor visits. The aligner sets are custom designed for each patient. The aligner set consists of an upper case tray and lower case tray that offers a snap-fit for each patient for which it has been designed. To smoothen the process of wearing or removing the aligner trays, aligner kit also has little tools like the outie and chewie. The patients are also provided with a beautiful and compact carry case, so that when you are hanging out with friends or family or are heading for a dinner or lunch, you can use the aligner case to keep them clean and safe. As clear aligners are removable, the patients are free from any dietary restrictions.

Apart from the treatment procedure and software, the other things that hold significant importance in the case of clear teeth aligners is the expertise of the treating doctor, brand of clear aligners and patient’s adherence to the treatment guidelines. In case you compromise on any of these parameters, the results might be different from what is expected after a clear aligner treatment.

So, answering the question of ‘can clear aligners fix an under-bite?’ clearly. Yes! They certainly can, just look for an experienced orthodontist and go for brands that has required medical and government certifications and are authentic Dental Invisible Braces Clear Aligner companies with credible past experience to get the best results.


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